This page was archived on October 2020.


United Kingdom

Multilateral issues and crisis management
Development and humanitarian aid - (12)Leader
Overseas troop deployment - (9)-
Relations with Russia
Maintaining a strong and united sanctions policy - (15)Leader
Commitment to Eastern Partnership countries - (30)-
Relations with Wider Europe
Support for Ukraine - (30)-
Strengthening EU engagement in the Western Balkans - (31)Leader
Relations with the Middle East and North Africa
Quelling regional rivalries in Middle East - (41) -
Humanitarian response to the refugee crisis - (3)Leader
Relations with the United States
Support for TTIP negotiations - (54)Leader
Responding to the US upon joining AIIB - (54)-
Relations with Asia & China
Promotion of common EU strategy on trade and investment - (62) & (63)Slacker
Response to China's human rights situation - (68)Slacker


Other countries:

Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark

Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy

Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal

Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom