English Language Broadcast   Face to Face 25/11/2011 18:33

In this week's "Face to Face," Frank Smith talks to Nick Witney, a senior Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Council he was the first chief executive of the European Defence Agency in Brussels, whose mission is to support the Council of Europe and the Member States in their efforts to improve the European Union¿s defence capabilities for the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Mr Witney was appointed to that job by Spain's Javier Solana when he was Mr PESC, in effect, Europe's Foreign Policy and Security Minister. For his work with the Agency, Nick Witney was named one of the 50 Europeans of the Year in 2004 by the European Voice. He has just written a new report entitled "How to Stop the Demilitarisation of Europe", which is published by the European Council on Foreign Affairs (25/11/11).

English Language Broadcast
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