China’s response to the G2

Fears in Europe that China works to lock the US into a “G2” embrace so as to dominate the global agenda do not reflect Chinese experts’ thinking


Fears in Europe that China works to lock the US into a “G2” embrace so as to dominate the global agenda do not reflect Chinese experts' current strategic thinking. This is the main finding of No rush into marriage: China's response to the G2, an analysis of China's debate about how to approach the new US administration. 

While freedom of expression and access to information remain restricted in China, China Analysis, a joint ECFR and Asia Centre publication, introduces European audiences to the ongoing debates inside China's expert and think-tank world by drawing on published sources and ongoing strategic thinking from within China.  

Whilst many in Europe worry that China will want to transform its economic relationship with the US into a global duopoly marginalising Europe, China is still examining its options. “Characteristically, China is waiting for its opponent to show its cards,” says Francois Godement, ECFR senior policy fellow and Director of the Asia Centre. “This issue of China Analysis shows how carefully, even at this public level, Chinese experts are combing through American views and probing the potential for a new strategic equilibrium.”

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