China shapes its post-crisis economic agenda

The latest issue of China Analysis looks at Beijing’s willingness to strengthen international economic governance


In the latest issue of China Analysis, “China shapes its post-crisis agenda”, the authors argue that Beijing is taking a short term view in the debate over international economic governance after the global financial crisis.

China Analysis, a joint ECFR and Asia Centre publication, introduces European audiences to the ongoing debates in China, drawing on published sources and internal strategic thinking.

How far is China willing to go in order to strengthen international economic governance? The experts considered in this issue of China Analysis seem to take the short term view, as they seek to decouple the Chinese economy from international demand, and analyse both the internationalisation of the renmimbi and the role of the G20 in global governance. 

China Analysis is published in both English and French. Click here for the English version of this issue.

The European Council on Foreign Relations does not take collective positions. ECFR publications only represent the views of their individual authors.

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