The message that unites the [Greens and FDP] is a renewal or transformation
Rafael Loss comments on Germany’s post-election coalition games
The message that unites the [Greens and FDP] is a renewal or transformation
Rafael Loss comments on Germany’s post-election coalition games
The covid crisis put a magnifying glass on social inequality in Germany
Rafael Loss comments on how rising inequality affected the German vote
Rafael Loss puts Germany’s election campaign into context
The Nordic countries, as well as Ireland post-Brexit, will remain of huge importance to Germany as it is leveraging its central position in the EU
Rafael Loss explains how Germany’s location in the centre of Europe affects its foreign relations
The Merkel government tried to steer foreign policy towards export promotion, and this is evident in relations with China
Rafael Loss comments on Germany’s foreign policy under Merkel
European expect Germany to maintain its leading role in the coming years
Referring to ECFR’s latest poll, Rafael Loss describes European expectations towards post-Merkel Germany
Merkel’s decision to leave the political stage left its mark on Sunday’s election
Rafael Loss discusses the results of the German election
A government led by Olaf Scholz will be more open to Emmanuel Macron when it comes to social reforms and a reform of the European project
Rafael Loss comments on the opportunities of a Scholz chancellorship for Franco-German relations
Merkel will leave a huge void to fill in German, but also in European politics
Rafael Loss comments on the German election campaign
Piotr Buras and Rafael Loss share some thoughts on the German election results