Experts & Staff

Piotr Buras

Head, ECFR Warsaw
Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Germany's EU and foreign policy; Poland in the EU; EU politics


Polish, German, English


Piotr Buras is the head of ECFR’s Warsaw office and a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. His topics of focus include Germany’s EU and foreign policy, Poland in the EU, and EU politics.

Buras is a journalist, author and expert on German and European politics. Between 2008 and 2012 he worked as a columnist and Berlin correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily newspaper. He started his professional career in the late 1990s at the Center for International Relations in Warsaw, one of the first Polish think-tanks. He continued his career at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham and at the University of Wroclaw (Poland). He was also a visiting fellow at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. His recent book Moslems and the Other Germans. The Reinvention of the Berlin Republic was published in Polish in 2011.

The real battle for Poland’s future

Jaroslaw Kaczynski promises the ‘Polish model of the welfare state’ and social protection like in the West – but if his party stays in power after the October 13 election, the country will drift further away from its hard-won freedoms and connections with Europe 

The Polish election by numbers

Polling on the upcoming election in Poland reflects a society often at odds with the ruling party. This is the election broken down by numbers

Polish WWII anniversary highlights transatlantic rifts

A hurricane has forced the US president to cancel his state visit to Poland to mark a dark day in history — but that won’t hide the damage he has done to US-German-Polish relations.    

The EU must defend its rule-of-law revolution

A recent EU court ruling has sent a chill down the spines of populist governments determined to undermine judicial independence. The new Commission must defend this crucial victory

Warsaw ‘Iran’ summit: What lies beneath

ECFR experts share their insight into the manouevres around next month’s US-Poland summit. What does it mean for the JPCOA, and what steps should European countries take in response?



Image rites: Poland’s new role in Europe

Warsaw is in a uniquely strong position to launch an ambitious initiative for the EU’s eastern neighbourhood. To do this, it will need to use its new image in Europe to good effect



In the media