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Matteo Colombo

ECFR Alumni · Visiting Fellow

Areas of expertise

Egypt, Libya, Syria, Turkey


Italian and English (fluent), Arabic (conversational)


Matteo Colombo was a part-time visiting fellow at the Rome office of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Colombo is an associate research fellow for ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies), where he works on the political dynamics in the MENA region, with a specific focus on Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Turkey. His main interests lie in jihadism, energy issues, and political relations between regional states. He is also a professional journalist and an infographic designer.

Colombo obtained a PhD in political studies at the University of Milan (NASP Consortium), with a thesis on the Twitter discourse about IS in Arabic. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan, a master’s in international relations from Oxford Brookes, a master’s degree in Middle East Politics from SOAS, University of London, and a master’s degree in journalism at IULM University in Milan.

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