The main source of the toxic political climate in the UK is the conflict among the tories, states Josef Janning with respect to the debate in the house of commons on how to proceed with Brexit
Media mentions – Josef Janning
Three months before the EP elections “a sharp debate on content” is necessary, says Josef Janning in an interview with Dlf. It is not sufficient for pro-European parties to think themselves on the right side. EU-sceptic parties could occupy up to a third of the seats after the elections
Josef Janning is quoted on Carles Puigdemont's visit to Berlin.
Josef Janning explains Austria's position within the European Union using the EUCoaltionExplorer and shows that the country has a lot of unused potential
In this DLF-Interview, Josef Janning explains the importance of the 2019 EP elections for the future of the European Union
Josef Janning weighs in on the EU Commission's plans for strengthening the Euro for the Valdai Club
Josef Janning is quoted on Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.
Who with whom? With the help of the EU Coalition Explorer, ORF presents the most important power alliances in Europe
Josef Janning quoted by the Washington Post on the possibility of Friedrich Merz succeeding Angela Merkel as chair of the CDU
Josef Janning is interviewed by SWR2 regarding the Brexit deal