Tarek Megerisi comments on the developments between Sarraj and the Italian government
Media mentions – Abigaël Vasselier
François Godement et Abigaël Vasselier cités dans Question Chine à propos des relations entre la Chine et l'Union européenne
François Godement et Abigäel Vasselier cités dans L'Express à propos de l'influence croissante de la Chine en Europe.
François Godement et Abigaël Vasselier cités dans Le Monde à propos de l'influence croissante de la Chine en Europe
François Godement and Abigaël Vasselier quoted on EU-China relations, saying that the narrative of China’s integration to the international order is turning towards a systemic clash
An article about the latest report by François Godement and Abigaël Vasselier titled 'China at the gates of Europe'
The latest China Analysis “China at the Gates: a power audit of EU-China relations” is referenced in an article by the Financial Times
The FAZ quotes from the new EU-China Power Audit
Abigaël Vasselier interviewed in Cultures Monde, France Culture, on Chinese diplomacy in South Sudan.
Abigael Vasselier's article on Chinese foreign policy in South Sudan.