Western governments are fighting an economic rather than military competition. They talk about victory, but their slowness in delivering weapons makes one doubt the seriousness of their claims
Media mentions – Wider Europe
By attacking Kiev, Putin cut ties with Brussels, causing Europeans’ disgust towards his country
The bilateral relations between Bulgaria and North Macedonia have been misused for domestic messaging of populist politicians in Bulgaria
I believe Ukraine will be the one deciding when and what kind of peace to support
As a representative of EU countries, Michel seems to make up for Germany’s lack of leadership on the Ukrainian issue
In the last 30 days, Poland has changed its attitude towards both the EU and the US. With the US it was in open conflict, this war is changing that
If the West wants to follow what Putin demands, the contracts must be renegotiated
The most likely outcome now is that Putin will intensify his efforts and switch to a ‘dirty’ war strategy to increase the human cost for Ukrainians and force them to capitulate
I don’t think we will see many Syrian or Libyan mercenaries in Donbas. It is also doubtful that they would be useful to the Russians
There is a danger that the West’s solidarity with Ukraine will trump its previous support for the Belarusian opposition. Indeed, the Belarusian democratic movement may find it harder to gain attention
Pavel Slunkin and Andrew Wilson’s analysis on Belarus’ government’s support for Russia on the invasion of Ukraine