Why would anyone move capital to such an insecure and unstable place as Russia? There are neither premises nor motivations to do so
Media mentions – Russia
The (second) lesson from the war is that we’re facing a geopolitical context where peace through trade and cooperation no longer works with some of our neighbours
As an ally to both, the European Union can facilitate their mutual understanding and engagement
Margaryta Khvostova, Dmytro Kryvosheiev and Pavel Slunkin on Ukraine’s relationship with the Belarusian opposition
China is correct to assume that supporting Russia does not generally impair improved economic relations
The real battle for international supremacy today is between different models of global order, with China and the West each offering its own distinct account of “democracy”
From the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, it was clear that it would be extremely difficult to reach consensus on an embargo on any gas supplies
Russia has a policy of maintaining extremely large ammunition stocks. This policy dates back to the Soviet regime and pays particular attention to artillery ammunition
Russia has gone from an authoritarian country to a more or less totalitarian one. How different opinions are punished, social and media organizations simply shut down
Russia has at least succeeded in blocking the Western interpretation of the conflict in the global South
This is the latest example of Russia’s persistent nuclear sabre rattling since its invasion