
Burma and Uzbekistan: The EU?s Muddle

European double-standards on Burma and Uzbekistan will hurt the EU’s interests and democracy in both countries

Dare una sola voce all’Europa nel mondo

L’ECFR ? appena nato in Europa per offrire a tutti quegli europei convinti che serva un’Europa forte, attiva, e coesa nel mondo, uno strumento nuovo e moderno che li aiuti a trasformare questa convinzione in realt?

A microcosm of Europe

What would happen if all of Europe were brought together in one room? This weekend an ambitious 'deliberative poll' will help us find out

Burma: Sharing Power with the Generals

Targeted sanctions are a good idea ? but the goal must be to convince the Junta that they are better off with a political process

Regulating Rambo

Private Security Companies are indispensable on the modern battle-field, but they need to be regulated. The EU may succeed where national governments and self-regulation have failed

Uncle EU Needs You

Europe should set up a reserve corps of 5 000 trained and equipped civilian specialists ready to be deployed to help in fragile, failing and post-conflict states