Merkel has shown that she understands the linkage between democratic values and economic prosperity in her approach to the upcoming Europe-Africa summit, said ECFR’s Ulrike Gu?rot
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An interview on the EU?s role in Kosovo with Albert Rohan, one of ECFR’s founding council members and deputy to the UN Special Envoy for the Future Status Process for Kosovo
“While EU leaders believe that peace and stability are built through interdependence, Russia’s leaders are working to create a situation where the EU needs Russia more than Russia needs the EU,” said a report released by ECFR
El ECFR, del que forma parte el presidente de FRIDE, Diego Hidalgo, dice en su ?ltimo informe – de Mark Leonard y Nicu Popescu – que la UE se est? debilitando ante Rusia “por su divisi?n interna”
Europa se considera exportadora de valores; los suyos, claro. Pero se puede encontrar con serios problemas en este comercio de ideas. Desde luego no se trata de exportarlos a la neocon en la punta de las bayonetas, sino de otra manera
“Todos competimos por ser el mejor amigo de Putin por el tema de la energ?a”, coment? la ministra italiana para Europa, Emma Bonino, ayer en la presentaci?n del ECFR, un nuevo think-tank paneuropeo en Madrid
‘La intensa cooperaci?n policial europea permitir? su detenci?n’, insisti? Javier Solana, durante su intervenci?n en Madrid en el primer acto p?blico organizado por el European Council of Foreign Relations,
Yet, as a new report on Russia by ECFR argues, only the EU can engage with Russia on equal terms, in a way that sacrifices neither principles nor interests
Russia’s ability to use powerful foreign energy executives to exert pressure on foreign governments is detailed in a new report by the European Council on Foreign Relations
Big contracts matter proportionally more to France than to Germany, said Francois Godement of ECFR, because France’s sales account for less than 1.5 percent of Chinese imports, compared with 5 percent for Germany