The Euro Government

European current architecture has shown its weaknesses and today everybody seems aware of this. To overcome the crisis, we now  need a real breakthrough which will enable Europe to come back as a global actor. 


Giuliano Amato, Judge of the Consitutional Court and ECFR Council Member 
Marta Dassù, Deputy Foreign Minister and ECFR Council Member  
Paolo Guerrieri, Senator and Professor of Economics 
Ferdinano Nelli Feroci, President, IAI
Nicola Verola, Diplomat and author of the book “Il governo dell'Euro” 

Chaired by

Frediano Finucci, Editor for Foreign Affairs and Economics, TG LA7 

The EU is facing its most difficult crisis which is now showing which are European structural deficits and the result of missing reforms. European leaders are trying to solve it, with dramatic consequences on European cohesion. European citizens look at Europe as an abstract entity. 

Panelists will focus on and discuss the political, institutional and economic  causes of the crisis

During the debate, Nicola Verola, author of the book “Il Governo dell’Euro” will analyze some possible resolutions to the crisis which should be brave but above all realistic to accept and recognize the evident limits of the current European architecture.