Expert Workshop on the Middle East Peace Process
Discussing the two state solution on the eve of the Kerry-framework agreement
Charles Shamas, Senior Partner of the Mattin Group
Daniel Levy, Director of the ECFR MENA Programme
Chaired by
Olaf Boehnke, Head of ECFR Berlin Office
In light of the closely approaching deadline for the framework agreement between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority on April 29th, ECFR Berlin hosted an expert workshop to recapitulate the renewed peace efforts led by US- Secretary John Kerry and to look at possible new prospects in the Israel/Palestine peace process. At the centre of discussions was also the role of Europe – especially since the launch of the EU guidelines – and its possibilities to take action in this context.
Daniel Levy emphasized that even though the idea of two states remains a disputed solution on both sides, there is no convincing alternative to it. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority have an interest in keeping the doors open for a possible return to the peace talks. Charles Shamas provided a legal approach to the conflict. His argument concentrated on the success of the implementation of the EU guidelines that was achieved by recourse to existing legal provisions, thus avoiding a more confrontational and political approach.
The workshop aimed on the expert and working level in Berlin, including representatives from the German MFA, the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Friedrich Ebert foundation, Koerber foundation, various parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag, Crisis Action, ELNET and Transform.
Is this the final countdown? The two-state solution and the collapsing peace process by Ecfr on Mixcloud