East Forum 2015 “Global Dis(Order): Can International Trade Agreements revive growth?”
The Annual Conference organized by UniCredit and East in partnership with ECFR
Carlo Calenda, Vice-Minister for Economic Development, Italian Government
Peter Chase, Vice President, Europe, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Luisa Crisigiovanni, General Secretary, AltroConsumo
Vladimír Dlouhý, President, Czech Chamber of Commerce
Frederik Erixon, Director, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
Stefano Fassina, Member, Italian Chamber of Deputies
Paolo Gentiloni, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Italian Government, (tbc)
Federico Ghizzoni, CEO, UniCredit
Ulrich Grillo, President, Federation of German Industries (BDI)
Pascal Lamy, President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institut
Enrico Letta, Former Italian Prime Minister
Sorin Moisa, Member, European Parliament
Roberto Moncalvo, President, Coldiretti
Mauro Petriccione, Deputy Director General, DG Trade, European Commission
Paolo Pozzi, Managing Director, Agrati Group
Werner Raza, Director, Austrian Foundation for Development Research
Miriam Sapiro, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Publisher, east
Giuseppe Vita, Chairman, UniCredit
Chaired by
Fabrizio Goria Director, eastonline
What the global order will be after international trade agreements such as the TPP and TTIP entry into force? Will they be able to contribute to boost economic growth or will they only protect the economic interests of few stakeholders? What real opportunities will the European companies have?
Location: Roma Eventi – Piazza di Spagna – Via Alibert 5, 00178 Roma