Tricks of the trade
Trade policy is set to become one of the key tools of Ursula von der Leyen’s “union that strives for more”. But securing support from national governments and European citizens will be a challenge
Trade policy is set to become one of the key tools of Ursula von der Leyen’s “union that strives for more”. But securing support from national governments and European citizens will be a challenge
European voters want to see the European Union come of age as a geopolitical actor and chart its own course
The main message for the Western Balkans is clear: countries in the region need to demonstrate a sufficient level of political governance before any technical process of EU accession can begin
Seven key challenges lie ahead of von der Leyen who will have to invent a magic formula to solve the political puzzles of the European Union
The recent European Parliamentary elections revealed that there is more to Europe's political geography than the traditional east-west divide
La oficina de Madrid de ECFR organiza este evento en colaboración con la Fundación Bertelsmann para tratar sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea en esta nueva legislatura y sobre qué quieren realmente los ciudadanos
The results of the European election confront EU leaders with a considerable challenge: navigating a new, more fragmented, and polarised political environment
Panel discussion at the Folkemødet with Susanne Baumann, Lykke Friis, Stina Soewarta and Catharina Sørensen
Summary of the debate about consequences of PE election for future shape of the European Union
Relacja z debaty o konsekwencjach wyborów do PE dla przyszłego kształtu Unii Europejskiej