Anthony Giddens on energy & climate change
Professor Anthony Giddens explains why Europe might be failing to deal with one of the key challenges of the modern world…
Professor Anthony Giddens explains why Europe might be failing to deal with one of the key challenges of the modern world…
dinner discussion covering the recent policy brief “Why Europe needs a global strategy”
Lord Giddens will suggest at this event that this is the time for a far-reaching rethink of the European project as a whole
Con motivo de la reciente publicación del informe “Why Europe needs a new global strategy” la Oficina en Madrid de ECFR y la Representación en España de la Comisión Europea organizan un evento público
Debate ciudadano sobre las próximas elecciones europeas, los populismos y el futuro de la democracia en Europa, organizado con el apoyo de las Representaciones en España del Parlamento Europeo y la Comisión Europea
The Geneva II conference on Syria will finally convene in Switzerland next week. Prospects for an immediate or dramatic breakthrough are decidedly bleak, yet that should not be the bar against which the merits of convening Geneva II should be measured
Can Europeans safely ignore rising tensions in the Asia-Pacific? European policymakers may want to focus on their near neighbourhood and the transatlantic relationship but one way or the other they will have to deal with the fallout from rising tensions in Asia
Migracje, wzrost antyimigracyjnych, populistycznych ruchów, globalne zmiany w podejściu do migracji, polskie przykłady i polska polityka migracyjna były tematem spotkania eksperckiego pt. “Europe’s Migration Challenge: confronting populism, rethinking policies”
The panic in Britain over prospective Bulgarian and Romanian immigration is based on a misunderstanding of European rules. It is also at odds with the country's best traditions
Adrián Vázquez y Wojciech Golecki, de CC/Europa, hablan sobre cómo ve este nuevo proyecto las próximas elecciones, explican qué es el europeísmo crítico…