Europe Debates | German-Turkish relations: Ditching “constructive dialogue”?
Should the next German government ditch Merkel’s “constructive dialogue” with Turkey and join France and Greece for a more confrontational approach?
Should the next German government ditch Merkel’s “constructive dialogue” with Turkey and join France and Greece for a more confrontational approach?
ECFR’s policy experts examine what the Taliban takeover means for countries and regions around the world: Europe, the US, the Middle East, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and the Sahel
EU member states should help Turkey manage the impact of the new trade regulations the deal would bring in
How will the European Green Deal affect the EU’s relationship with Turkey?
The Turkish president no longer commands all before him. The EU should turn its attention to supporting democratic forces in the country
The EU and Turkey have a mutual strategic interest in developing a constructive, cooperative, and sustainable relationship
As the Turkish president continues his delicate balancing act between the US and Russia, the crisis in Ukraine presents new opportunities for Ankara’s transatlantic credentials
How can the EU prevent the Turkey-UAE rivalry from destabilising European security and foreign policy?
Instead of using the UAE to push back against Turkey or vice versa, Europe should develop its own strategy on their rivalry
European governments should clearly communicate their opposition to a potential Turkish military incursion into Sinjar, which would undermine the government in Baghdad while failing to remove the PKK from the area