Wider Europe

Ukraine: Finally a new Parliament, but no new government

The new Ukrainian parliament finally assembled on Friday, 23 November, almost two months after the elections. It then immediately adjourned until Thursday 29 November. An update on Ukraine’s complex political developments

Balkan ghosts still haunt Europe

Even though Europe’s foreign policy reach is now truly global, talks on Kosovo’s independence have seen Balkan ghosts return to haunt Europe

A ?Power Audit? of EU 27-Russia relations

Despite its economic strength and military might, the EU has begun to behave as if it were subordinate to an increasingly assertive Russia. Read ECFR's “Power Audit” of EU-Russia relations

Guardian: Russia as the new Donald Rumsfeld

Russia has emerged as the most divisive issue in the European Union since Donald Rumsfeld split the European club into ?new’ and ?old’ member states. Read an opinion piece published through Project Syndicate

Burma and Uzbekistan: The EU?s Muddle

European double-standards on Burma and Uzbekistan will hurt the EU’s interests and democracy in both countries