Ukraine: The case for ‘voor’
Ahead of the Dutch Ukraine referendum, ECFR co-chair Carl Bildt makes the case for greater integration and cooperation with Europe's eastern neighbour
Ahead of the Dutch Ukraine referendum, ECFR co-chair Carl Bildt makes the case for greater integration and cooperation with Europe's eastern neighbour
Why and how a combined UN/EU peacekeeping mission could disentangle the Donbas conundrum
Europe will need to be in for the long-haul on non-recognition of Russia's annexation
Two years on from annexation, Russia's control of Crimea remains fraught with the difficulties
Kadyrov’s positioning of himself as a federal or even international leader, reflects his ambitions to play greater role in the future of Russia
Has a hint of the old US-Russian rivalry returned?
DCFTA is the most important element of Europe’s response to the crisis in Ukraine. Albeit technical in its layout, DCFTA is a very political act which alters EU’s neighbourhood and raises expectations and responsibilities on both sides
Зоната за свободна търговия е най-значимият елемент от реакцията на ЕС към кризата в Украйна. Техническо по форма, споразумението всъщност е показателен политически акт, който цели промяна на средата в съседните на ЕС региони и създава както очаквания, така и отговорности и за двете страни
Ukraine needs Europe to implement its reform initiatives – A very lively Black Coffee Morning on Ukraine's future.
Georgian energy minister's flirtation with Gazprom raises questions over transparency in Tblisi