Guides for Westerwelle

Two predecessors illuminate how Guido Westerwelle could leave his mark on German foreign policy

Europe is wasting its ?Obama Moment?

National governments in the EU must shake off illusions about the transatlantic relationship if they want to avoid irrelevance on the global stage

Heroines and graves

In contrast to the Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama, the EP has acted soundly in giving the Sakharov Prize to Memorial

Soft power? Hard work ahead

The EU must make its civilian capabilities work better alongside its military tools

Чий е Европейският съюз

Закъснял с десет години, Лисабонският договор изглежда, че най-после ще види бял свят….

Clear as mud

The prospect of a Conservative government in the UK will be just the latest in a long line of challenges for the European project

Missile defences, bald men and combs

In spite of Czech and Polish objections, the Obama administration was right to drop plans for radars and rocket interceptors in central Europe