Value for money: Why and how Europeans should support the failing economies of Egypt and Tunisia
Severe weaknesses in the Egyptian and Tunisian economies provoke recurrent crises. There is a better way for Europeans to support Cairo and Tunis
Severe weaknesses in the Egyptian and Tunisian economies provoke recurrent crises. There is a better way for Europeans to support Cairo and Tunis
Tunisia’s autocratic president is leading the country to the brink. The EU and member states should act now to support Tunisian democracy
Tunisia’s new constitution would create an unaccountable presidency. European policymakers should state that it is not genuinely democratic, while continuing to support the country economically
The EU and its member states can assist Tunisian leaders by providing new investment – and thereby reboot the democratic transition
North African countries such as Morocco and Tunisia can help Europe meet its carbon emissions targets and strengthen its position in the face of fierce competition from China
North African countries, each for their own reasons, are increasingly turning their attention towards sub-Saharan Africa
The government must build on its response to the pandemic to create a compromise that shares the burden of reform between political actors and interest groups
Introduction As the European Union strives to stem the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean, its policymakers have repeatedly identified North Africa as key to…
European states should devote more effort to joint work on radicalisation with Morocco and Tunisia
Tunisia’s transition to democracy risks falling foul of the same dynamics that brought down the Ben Ali regime