Mapping the Yemen conflict: 2 years on
What has changed in Yemen since the Operation Storm? Which actors have emerged–or reemerged–to take advantage of the country's power vacuum?
What has changed in Yemen since the Operation Storm? Which actors have emerged–or reemerged–to take advantage of the country's power vacuum?
Debata nt. skutków Brexitu
Can peace talks bring meaningful progress to ending the conflict in Yemen?
Is Yemen doomed to delve deeper into the abyss?
A discussion on how to overcome Yemen's most pressing issues on the horizon
Exclusive round table discussion on the nuclear negotiations with Iran and the competing regional powers in the Middle East.
Am 18. Und 19. Juni 2015 fand in der Heinrich-Böll Stiftung die 16. Außenpolitische Jahrestagung in Partnerschaft mit dem ECFR statt.
What impact on the peace process, the region, and Israel’s international relations?”
Le conseguenze sul processo di pace, regione e rapporti internazionali
Dall’accordo con l’Iran alla Libia passando per lo Yemen. Nuovi e vecchi intrecci mediorientali