Europa w stanie wojny
Jaka polityka wobec Syrii i Państwa Islamskiego po zamachach w Paryżu?
Jaka polityka wobec Syrii i Państwa Islamskiego po zamachach w Paryżu?
What policy towards Syria and Islamic State after attacks in Paris is needed?
The fragile state of Libya has been a hub for migration and smuggling for a long time. Mattia Toaldo presented the results of his Policy Brief “Libya's migrant-smuggling highway”, while Angeliki Dimitriadi, ECFR Research Fellow on migration, reported from her personal experiences and field research in the region. This led to an intense discussion about legal migration
Desayuno organizado por ECFR Madrid, Política Exterior y esglobal, con la colaboración de Caixa Forum Madrid
On November 19 2015, the topic of “Migration as a shared European responsibility” was discussed with Emma Bonino, Former Foreign Minister and Former Minister for International Trade and European Affairs of Italy and Member of ECFR Board in the Representation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in Berlin.
ECFR Sofia organises an international workshop on the possible responses to the refugee crisis
Understanding oneself means to look at oneself from the view of others. The Maghreb region is a very crucial neighbourhood for the EU, yet little is known about their point of view. The region faces political, economical and security crises with instable governments, decreasing oil prices and terrorist formations. Europe has to engage more with these countries since it is clearly mutually beneficial. Furthermore, it would alter their view on Europe towards a more positive one. For that, the European Union has to encounter MENA countries on a level playing field.
The Syrian refugee crisis, Germany and Turkey – What to expect from Ankara?” with Gerald Knaus, Chairman of the European Stability Initiative
What uncertainties, risks and potential opportunities do recent Russian airstrikes in Syria bring?
Crisi, sfide regionali, ruolo dell’Europa