ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror
Discussion with Hassan Hassan on the latest developments in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Discussion with Hassan Hassan on the latest developments in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Breakfast discussion on the Kurdish question amid the ongoing crisis in the Middle-East
¿Cuáles son las implicaciones regionales del auge del ISIS en Oriente Medio y más allá y cuáles son los escenarios posibles?
Cale Salih trata el papel de los kurdos en la lucha contra el EI en un desayuno diplomático.
What is needed to pull Iraq back from the brink and hold the country together? Where should the international community be focusing its attention?
Mr de Mistura will lay out the thinking behind the Aleppo freeze initiative and consider the opportunities for and barriers to success.
Event on the future of the Peace Process between the Turkish government and the PKK and the impact of the ongoing crisis in Syria
En África del Norte hay retrocesos democráticos, una crisis de seguridad regional e inestabilidad generalizada. Ahora que la UE cambia liderazgo, es el momento de repensar su estrategia hacia la región
This event looked at at the regional dimensions surrounding the crisis triggered by ISIS, examining the reaction of key Middle Eastern actors, particularly in Syria and Iraq, the dynamics driving ISIS, and the policy options now confronting European decision makers
Lors de cette conférence, co-organisée avec l'Association PROMETHEI, Daniel Lévy, Jihad Yazigi, Julien Barnes-Dacey, Georges Malbrunot et Myriam Benraad discuteront du conflit syrien.