Financial solidarity as a response to the Covid-19 crisis? A Franco-German debate
Dear Madam, Sir, dear friends, The Berlin and Paris offices of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a virtual debate: “Financial solidarity as…
Dear Madam, Sir, dear friends, The Berlin and Paris offices of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a virtual debate: “Financial solidarity as…
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une table ronde en présence de Jeremy Shapiro, Pierre Vimont et Sylvie Kauffmann
France’s European strategy: the reality check July 3rd, 8:30am – 9:30am at the ECFR Berlin Office – Entrance: Rosmarinstraße 1, 10117…
Diskussion und Vorstellung des neuen EU Cohesion Monitor
Policymakers & experts strategy meeting at the European Policy Centre
by Intelligence Squared Germany in collaboration with ECFR
Debatte & Fish-Bowl Diskussion über neue Impulse für die Zusammenarbeit in Europa und Vorstellung des 'EU Coalition Explorer'
El jueves 21 de septiembre se presentó en España el proyecto de ECFR “EU Coalition Explorer”.
Foresight seminar on the future of EU policy making
Spring meeting of ECFR's Foreign Policy Strategy Group