Refugee crisis: Options for the EU
Public debate on the refugee crisis with international experts
Public debate on the refugee crisis with international experts
Special ECFR dinner on March 7th focussed on European approaches to the refugee crisis with a kick-off statement by the head of the Federal Chancellery Peter Altmaier.
A roundtable discussion looking at systemic, economic and political challenges to the refugee crisis
The refugee crisis has altered Europe's and especially Germany's view on North Africa and triggered a renewed interest in cooperation. As part of the Berlin Foreign Policy Club series, our expert Anthony Dworkin presented and discussed his new book “Five years on: A new European agenda for North Africa” with our guests.
The ability to find and keep finding joint European solutions to the crisis will have a lasting impact on our abilities to act united in the future
Възможността да намерим и да продължим да намираме общи европейски решения на кризата ще има дълготрайно въздействие върху нашата способност да действаме заедно в бъдеще
Can Merkel keep the European and domestic coalition afloat?
“Change in EU-Turkey Relations” was the topic of our BCM on January 13, we discussed with Asli Aydintasbas, Fuat Keyman and Ernst Reichel.
Avec Gerald Knaus
Avec Andrew Lebovich & Anthony Dworkin à l'ENS Ulm