North Africa

Mapping Libya’s factions

A mapping of political factions and armed groups involved in the fighting in Libya

A close result in Tunisia

The second round of Tunisia’s presidential election is likely to be a close fight after the results of the first round, announced today, showed a tighter-than-expected finish between Beji Caid Essebsi and Moncef Marzouki

Sheikh It Up

The UAE's airstrikes in Libya represent a new and dangerous phase in its struggle with Qatar

Egypt’s busy summer

Egypt is reasserting itself in foreign policy, but it faces economic and societal challenges at home. 

Libyan state disintegration

ECFR is launching a new “Conflict in Libya” page that gathers all the analysis and the policy recommendations prepared by our experts

Who will stop Libya’s implosion?

No local combatants in the civil war or their regional backers are ready to compromise or land knockout blow