Speciale Maghreb
Il Maghreb tra compromesso nazionale, staticità incerta, sfida jiadista, dissoluzione tribale. Dimensione politica e ricadute economiche
Il Maghreb tra compromesso nazionale, staticità incerta, sfida jiadista, dissoluzione tribale. Dimensione politica e ricadute economiche
Maghreb between national compromise, immobility, jihadist challenge, tribal dissolution
ECFR te invita a un debate sobre la crisis de asilo con Manuela Carmena y Emma Bonino
Jaka solidarność jest potrzebna, ile solidarności jest możliwe?
What kind of solidarity is needed, how much of solidarity is possible
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
How can Europe tackle the challenges of the current refugee crisis and shape a common EU migration and asylum policy?
Am 18. Und 19. Juni 2015 fand in der Heinrich-Böll Stiftung die 16. Außenpolitische Jahrestagung in Partnerschaft mit dem ECFR statt.