Paura del Califfo o paura di Teheran?
Dall’accordo con l’Iran alla Libia passando per lo Yemen. Nuovi e vecchi intrecci mediorientali
Dall’accordo con l’Iran alla Libia passando per lo Yemen. Nuovi e vecchi intrecci mediorientali
Gesprächsrunde zum Thema Naher und Mittlerer Osten sowie Nordafrika
ECFR presenta un mapeo de los principales grupos políticos y militares involucrados en el conflicto Libio, resultado de las investigaciones de los analistas Mattia Toaldo y Mary Fitzgerald
Journalist, analyst, and author of our web publication 'Mapping Libya's factions', Mary Fitzgerald, explains the political factions and armed groups involved in the fighting…
A mapping of political factions and armed groups involved in the fighting in Libya
Discussion about the prospects for a new international intervention in Libya four years after Operation Unified Protector.
ECFR Policy Fellow, Mattia Toaldo, speaks to journalist and analyst Mary Fitzgerald, and Libyan politician Guma El-Gamaty about the lessons that have been learned…
Mary Fitzgerald, journalist and analyst, Guma El-Gumaty, Libyan politician, and Mattia Toaldo, ECFR policy fellow discuss the prospects for a new international intervention
Reunión celebrada en Madrid en el marco del proyecto Masar Ciudadanía
Listen on Mixcloud Syrian researcher Hassan Hassan and ECFR’s Senior Policy Fellow Julien Barnes-Dacy discuss the challenges and threats…