The Med migration crisis and Libya’s turmoil
Fiona Mangan, senior programme officer at the US Institute for Peace, and Magda Mughrabi-Talhami, Libya researcher at Amnesty International, on how the EU can intervene peacefully
Fiona Mangan, senior programme officer at the US Institute for Peace, and Magda Mughrabi-Talhami, Libya researcher at Amnesty International, on how the EU can intervene peacefully
Les événements migratoires tragiques du mois d’avril, qui avaient donné lieu à une réunion extraordinaire du Conseil Européen le 23 avril, ont ouvert la…
Le conseguenze sul processo di pace, regione e rapporti internazionali
What impact on the peace process, the region, and Israel’s international relations?”
From the nuclear deal with Iran to Libya through Yemen. New and old Middle Eastern plots
Dall’accordo con l’Iran alla Libia passando per lo Yemen. Nuovi e vecchi intrecci mediorientali
Gesprächsrunde zum Thema Naher und Mittlerer Osten sowie Nordafrika
ECFR presenta un mapeo de los principales grupos políticos y militares involucrados en el conflicto Libio, resultado de las investigaciones de los analistas Mattia Toaldo y Mary Fitzgerald
Journalist, analyst, and author of our web publication 'Mapping Libya's factions', Mary Fitzgerald, explains the political factions and armed groups involved in the fighting…
A mapping of political factions and armed groups involved in the fighting in Libya