Israele: lo scenario post-elezioni
Le conseguenze sul processo di pace, regione e rapporti internazionali
Le conseguenze sul processo di pace, regione e rapporti internazionali
What impact on the peace process, the region, and Israel’s international relations?”
A discussion looking at the recent breakthrough in the nuclear negotiations.
From the nuclear deal with Iran to Libya through Yemen. New and old Middle Eastern plots
Dall’accordo con l’Iran alla Libia passando per lo Yemen. Nuovi e vecchi intrecci mediorientali
Gesprächsrunde zum Thema Naher und Mittlerer Osten sowie Nordafrika
Ayatollah Khamenei and Presidents Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani are not worlds apart in their thinking
Despite his fiery speech to the US Congress, the Israeli leader has moderated his views on a nuclear pact
A decisive stage in the nuclear talks is approaching, as world powers aim to reach a political agreement with Iran this month
That Netanyahu can vehemently denounce the nuclear agreement with Iran but keep his nuclear arsenal out of public debate is a miracle of biblical proportions