ECFR x Intelligence² Germany – Debate: We must stop big data’s pandemic power grab
An Oxford-style debate in cooperation with Intelligence² Germany
An Oxford-style debate in cooperation with Intelligence² Germany
The covid-19 pandemic has brought forward a new agenda for multilateralism, focused on areas including global health, economic recovery, climate, technology, and trade
Why did the approaches to handling the coronavirus differ so much even in all the countries around the globe?
The EU has an opportunity to become a key strategic actor on global health – by upgrading its observer status within the WHO, making even greater financial contributions to the organisation, and working in coordination with the United States
The regulation sets a damaging precedent for trade restrictions on vaccines and undermines the EU’s credibility as a supporter of open trade
Liberals are often reluctant to use emotions in politics, but they should recognise that understanding the emotional structure underlying everyday politics can help in creating a convincing political message
Many of the EU’s neighbours are hoping it will help them secure vaccines – leaving offers from China and Russia to flood in
Mark Leonard and Jeremy Shapiro predict ten bright and bold policy projections for the year to come
Mark Leonard and Jeremy Shapiro predict ten bright and bold policy projections for the year to come
How can we explain the current crisis of the liberal international order?