Rome: The Germany that Europe needs
ECFR’s Rome Office held a seminar on 14 October, as part of the review of German foreign policy launched by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
ECFR’s Rome Office held a seminar on 14 October, as part of the review of German foreign policy launched by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
ECFR's contribution to German Ferederal Foreign Office's Review: 2014
Desayuno de trabajo sobre la política exterior alemana en el Norte de África: Review 2014
On 22 October, ECFR Sofia gathered 20 political representatives, analysts, academics, and journalists to discuss Bulgaria’s perspective on German foreign policy
Una valutazione della politica estera tedesca
Zapraszamy do dyskusji z udziałem przedstawicieli niemieckiej dyplomacji, gospodarki, politycznej opozycji i publiczności
On 8 October, ECFR's Edouard Tétreau and Ms Susanne Wasum-Rainer, the German ambassador to France, coorganised a debate with a group of 25 experts to address the sensitive yet strategic angle of Germany’s research involvement in defence matters
Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion zur Zukunft der deutschen Außenpolitik
In which direction is the German foreign policy evolving and what are the consequences for the EU?
Ulrike Guérot e José Ignacio Torreblanca hablan sobre las elecciones alemanas y el futuro de la UE