Berlin Foreign Policy Club: Flüchtlingskrise
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
How can Europe tackle the challenges of the current refugee crisis and shape a common EU migration and asylum policy?
Informelle Diskussionsrunde über die Zukunft des europäischen Integrationsprojekts
Runder Tisch zur aktuellen Lage in der Ukraine und wie diese von den Ukrainiern selbst bewertet wird
A round table discussion on Germany's role in keeping Great Britain and Greece in the EU
Gesprächsrunde zum Thema Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitk
Kundnani and Giddens will discuss German power and its implications for the future of the European Union
In cooperation with ECFR, the German Federal Foreign Office kicked off the review of German foreign policy with a launch in Madrid on 9 October
On 16 October, ECFR London held a two-panel workshop as part of the German foreign ministry’s project: “Review 2014 – A Fresh Look at German Foreign Policy”
As part of the review of German foreign policy initiated by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, ECFR’s Warsaw Office gathered Polish experts and ambassadors to Poland to meet with Thomas Bagger, the head of policy planning at the German Federal Foreign Office, on 13 October