European Power

High-voltage trade: How Europe should fight the electric vehicle wars

The electric vehicle industry demonstrates the challenges of de-risking in practice. The EU needs more than tariffs if it wants to prevent a looming over-dependence on Chinese electric vehicles without strangling its own green ambitions

Balancing the books: Why the EU needs a European debt agency

European leaders have an opportunity to reform the EU’s fiscal rules at the European Council meeting in December, but they are currently divided by competing concerns over stability and growth. A European debt agency could achieve both of these, and provide the EU with the money it needs to address today’s geopolitical crises

Striking absence: Europe’s missile gap and how to close it

Europeans have been quick to enhance their missile defence capabilities. But to properly address the threat of Russia’s missiles and deter broader conflict, they need to complement defensive systems with offensive ones

Polywar and polyamorous geopolitics

US President Joe Biden’s largely successful response to Russia’s war against Ukraine reflects his vision of the world as a bloc of democracies facing off against revisionist autocracies. But there is growing evidence that this is a minority view, even among some of America’s closest allies

Election quake: An opportunity for a more European Dutch foreign policy

The next Dutch government will come to power amid a broad national consensus on several foreign policy topics. To capitalise on this opportunity, it will need to break with some of the traditional norms of Dutch European policy