Towards a post-American Europe: A Power Audit of EU-US Relations
Europe has the US president…
Europe has the US president…
Have broken promises and treating Afghanistan, DR Congo and Iraq left the EU without the capacity to prevent fragile states from failing?
The EU?s ongoing loss of influence at the UN is putting lives at risk, argues the author of ECFR’s latest paper
The EU has an opportunity to influence President Obama’s efforts to reform US counterterrorism policy
With the pivotal change of leadership in Washington, the US and the EU may have an ideal moment to strengthen the US-EU institutional bond
European governments cannot afford to move at the speed of the slowest, argues Nick Witney, and should push for a ‘multi-speed’ Europe on ESDP
An in-depth analysis of the new Polish government’s foreign policy
A global public opinion survey shows that there is growing public support for a more multi-polar world
What would happen if all of Europe were brought together in one room? This weekend an ambitious 'deliberative poll' will help us find out