A German model for Europe?
Why the German model is not a blueprint for Europe
Why the German model is not a blueprint for Europe
In the run-up to the EU summit in Brussels this week, ECFR staff members from Paris, Berlin, Rome, Sofia, Warsaw, Madrid and London have contributed to our “View from the Capitals” series. What do our experts think of the respective national positions ahead of the European Council, and what are the governments most concerned about?
Lors de ce débat public, co-organisé avec Terra Nova, des politiques et des experts du domaine de la défense analyseront la nouvelle articulation possible entre les priorités de la défense française, esquissées par le nouveau livre blanc, et les objectifs de l'Europe de la défense.
The case for a European approach
öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion zur Rolle des deutschen Wirtschaftsmodells in Europa
More and more citizens are revolting against Europe and, where they see them as extensions of “Brussels”, against national institutions too. While Centrist elites are besieged by populism, large swaths of the populations seems definitively lost for the European project
Should Europe simply retire from global governance? Or are there assets on which it can draw in order to play an influential role as a new world order emerges? This event is free and open to all
Petit déjeuner débat à l'Ambassade de Finlande avec Guillaume Duval, rédacteur en chef d'Alternatives Economiques, et Sixten Korkman, ex-Directeur Général de l'ECOFIN au Conseil de l'UE
The debate over whether Chinese solar panels benefit from unfair subsidies is damaging to the EU and its negotiating position. Thanks to changes in the energy market it is the wrong test case for Europe as it deals with Beijing.