Berlin Foreign Policy Club: Flüchtlingskrise
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s foreign policy, together with former Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero’s, removes the country from the international arena
Fragmentation and lack of common goals and processes threaten the future of the European Union
How can Europe tackle the challenges of the current refugee crisis and shape a common EU migration and asylum policy?
Europe needs greater political consensus and increased convergence or rapprochement between its different societies
Europe must embrace the digital world but also stay firm on its beliefs and views
Международна кръгла маса с представители на неправителствени организации в контекста на прегледа на Глобалната стратегия за сигурност на ЕС и Европейската политика на съседство
International round table discussion with think-tank representatives in the framework of EU’s Global Foreign Policy Strategy Review and the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy with the participation of Federica Mogherini
To lead the EU may seem like a burden; it is, in truth, an historic opportunity
Europe needs to build its digital policy capacity and exert itself in the global debate