Berlin launch “Connectivity Wars”
Europe in a geo-economics world. Rethink: Europe launches essay collection in Berlin
Europe in a geo-economics world. Rethink: Europe launches essay collection in Berlin
Why migration, finance and trade are the geo-economic battlegrounds of the future
Is there a role for Europe in Asia?
The scorecard assesses the support that components of the reform agenda enjoy in Europe’s capitals.
As part of its analysis of external challenges for Europe’s cohesion and capacity to act, Rethink: Europe hosted an informal scenario workshop in Warsaw on the future of European foreign policy in light of the shifting power balance in Asia
Europe’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) needs drastic reform to deal with a region characterised by conflict, counter-revolution, and extremism
As the EU formally reviews its approach to its neighbourhood, Rethink: Europe convened a strategy group in Brussels on the future of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)