How the fight against Russian agents in Poland could destroy democracy
Under the guise of fighting “Russian influence”, the Polish government is preparing to attack and disqualify its opponents
Under the guise of fighting “Russian influence”, the Polish government is preparing to attack and disqualify its opponents
The longer that Ankara delays Swedish membership of NATO, the harder it may become to sustain public support and prepare effective Baltic defence
Poland will need to expand the boundaries of its influence in order to transform its wartime political capital into real leadership in the EU
Newly released investigations have shed light on how corruption and the weak rule of law in Bulgaria enable Russian influence to thrive
How has the war in Ukraine affected Polish politics and Poland’s relationship to its neighbours and the EU?
The Meloni government has largely adopted a ‘Russia-pragmatic’ approach to its EU and Ukraine policies. But pressure over migration within the coalition could harm relations with other European states
What would the freezing of EU-funds mean for Hungary-EU relations and Hungary’s role in the union?
We turned 15! Time to reflect on the past years and ECFR’s role in helping Europe find a strong, united voice
We will discuss Germany’s role in Europe and will reflect on how the new European order is viewed in Berlin
Lo European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Formiche ed il Centro Studi Americani organizzano a Roma una nuova edizione de Il Circolo dell’ECFR su come e se cambierà la politica estera italiana del prossimo governo