Autocratic power grab is no defence of sovereignty
The Polish prime minister has dismissed the dispute between Poland and the EU as a difference of opinion over competences. This is nonsense: the rule of law is at stake
The Polish prime minister has dismissed the dispute between Poland and the EU as a difference of opinion over competences. This is nonsense: the rule of law is at stake
The selection of a lead opposition candidate in Hungary is a promising sign for the strength of democracy in Europe. Democrats throughout the EU should lend their support to restoring the rule of law
What steps can the EU take to defend its legal order and protect the authority of the CJEU?
Europe’s covid-19 experience has been a tale of two pandemics – and the differences in each story could haunt the continent for many years to come
Too many Europeans are turning a blind eye to the domestic politics of Nordic states. But theirs is a trajectory that could affect the future of the EU
A planned ‘coronavirus tax’ on revenues and attacks on foreign-owned media threaten to cut away democracy piece by piece
The European People’s Party tolerated Fidesz for far too long. Its de facto expulsion should be a turning point in the relationship between the EU and Orbán’s Hungary
Mark Leonard and Jeremy Shapiro predict ten bright and bold policy projections for the year to come
It was not only western European countries that insisted on the rule of law of mechanism – others like Slovakia and Romania did as well
Head of ECFR’s Madrid Office, Jose Ignacio Torreblanca talks to the American historian, a Pulitzer Prize winner for Gulag, and expert on authoritarian populism about…