Defending Europe’s economic sovereignty from coercion
The online launch of ECFR's report on how Europe can defend its economic sovereignty in the face of economic coercion
The online launch of ECFR's report on how Europe can defend its economic sovereignty in the face of economic coercion
Dear Madam, Sir, dear friends, The Berlin and Paris offices of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a virtual debate: “Financial solidarity as…
How will the tensions around the response to the coronavirus play out through the recovery from this crisis? Can EU states, with their diverse perspectives on the transatlantic relationship, come to a common understanding on how to engage with the US bilaterally and multilaterally, in what will be a highly competitive environment?
ECFR hosts a discussion with a German MP and a Japanese professor of International Politics
Thema des ersten Foreign Policy Clubs im neuen Jahr ist die 5G-Debatte und Europas Souveränität in den Bereichen des Technologie und digitalen Entwicklung. Mit Dr. Janka Oertel
In cooperation with European Foreign Ministries, the EEAS and Bruegel, “Strategic sovereignty: How Europe can regain the capacity to act” looks at the different ways that, in a world of superpower competition, Europe is in danger of becoming a plaything of other powers
La oficina de Madrid de ECFR organiza este evento en colaboración con la Fundación Bertelsmann para tratar sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea en esta nueva legislatura y sobre qué quieren realmente los ciudadanos
Discussion about the European Elections with first predictions about the potential results based on data from our Unlock Project.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un Black Coffee Morning, en partenariat Women In International Security (WIIS) France et WIIS Allemagne, en présence de Claudia Major, Veronika Wand-Danielsson et modéré par Tara Varma, sur le thème suivant : « A la recherche d'une souveraineté européenne ».
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à un événement conjoint de l'ECFR et du Club de l’économie du journal Le Monde, en présence Bruno Le Maire, Laurence Boone, Mark Leonard et modéré par Sylvie Kauffmann et Philippe Escande