Energy policy: price of security and security of prices – Lessons from Central Europe
How do changing energy circumstances in Central Europe affect energy security in Europe?
How do changing energy circumstances in Central Europe affect energy security in Europe?
Gemeinsame Verantwortung für Sicherheit, Klimaschutz, Entwicklung: Impulsvortrag von Cem Özdemir zu einer wertegeleiteten Außenpolitik mit anschließender Diskussion
Will the new American foreign policy further divide and insulate Europe, limiting its actual ability to act on the international level?
For this edition of our lecture series 'Europe seen from the Outside', we speak with Hanna Hopko, Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament.
With constant threats from terrorism to cyber-attacks, a resurgent Russia and the prospect of Brexit, is it time for Europe, 60 years after the Rome treaty was signed, to profoundly rethink its security strategy and construct a new European security package?
L'ECFR Paris a le plaisir de vous inviter à une nouvelle conférence animée par Bruno TERTRAIS, François GODEMENT et Manuel LAFONT RAPNOUIL
L'ECFR Paris a le plaisir de vous inviter à une nouvelle conférence animée par Bayram BALCI, Kadri LIIK, Mathieu DUCHÂTEL, et Adrien FAUVE.
Panel discussion with the next generation of security experts
ECFR celebró un un debate sobre el futuro de las reformas en Ucrania con Gustav Gressel, investigador principal en ECFR y distintos miembros y expertos de la sociedad civil ucraniana.
Европейският съвет за външна политика (ЕСВП) организира затворена работна среща с г-н Кнут Ейбрахам, Директор „Двустранни отношения с Централна и Източна Европа, Южен Кавказ и Централна…