Sovereign Europe, hostile world: In conversation with Josep Borrell, HRVP
The EU’s High Representative, Josep Borrell, and Mark Leonard discussed why strategic autonomy matters
The EU’s High Representative, Josep Borrell, and Mark Leonard discussed why strategic autonomy matters
The current Covid19 crisis has reanimated the debate on defence, bringing to light new concerns, insights, and considerations about our future shared security. The objective of this initiative is to have an informative and innovative discussion on the future of European Defence and of NATO to drive toward mutual reinforcement
A discussion workshop on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on geopolitics and warfare, and how Europe and the US can work together for everyone’s benefit
Diskussion zum ECFR Coalition Explorer 2020 und deutsch-französischen Beziehungen
Dear Madam, Sir, dear friends, The Berlin and Paris offices of ECFR are delighted to invite you to a virtual debate: “Financial solidarity as…
Jakie będzie dziedzictwo kryzysu koronowirusa? Czy Unia stoi przed kolejnym ważnym krokiem w integracji? W jaki sposób podjęte w ostatnim czasie decyzje wpływają na pozycję UE w świecie?
What does the corona crisis mean for economic coercion?
Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Nukleare Teilhabe
ECFR´s associate researchers come together to debate the upcoming challenges the EU is facing in 2020. Come and join the debate!