Niemcy pod Lupą – edycja specjalna konferencji “Świat pod Lupą”
Zastanowimy się, co era Merkel znaczyła w historii tego kraju i jak dziedzictwo pani kanclerz wpływać będzie na jego dalsze losy
Zastanowimy się, co era Merkel znaczyła w historii tego kraju i jak dziedzictwo pani kanclerz wpływać będzie na jego dalsze losy
Which coalition is likely? Who are the winners and losers, and likely candidates for main political jobs?
On this night at De Balie we will discuss Germany’s political future and the impact of the election result on European integration and solidarity
What do European citizens expect from Germany’s next government, after 16 years of Angela Merkel? With little over a week to go until the elections, join a panel of pundits to analyse ECFR’s latest survey of attitudes of 16,000 citizens across 12 EU countries
While the European Union is set to present its new strategy for the Indo-Pacific, APA and ECFR have teamed up to provide a timely input to the debate
Der Checkpoint EXTRA findet als Kooperation zwischen der bpb und dem Berliner Büro des European Council on Foreign Relations statt
Discussion with key representatives from the major parties on their party’s vision on German foreign & security policy. How are parties responding to the new challenges and how do they want to secure the support of the voters?
In February High Representative Josep Borrell visited Moscow to discuss key issues of concern and test the waters for building a more „constructive dialogue” between…
What kind of countermeasures will protect Europe, keep markets open and support a functional global trade order?
Prioritäten & Herausforderungen Europäischer Außenpolitik, sowie Deutschlands Rolle in diesem Kontext