EU instruments

COP21: A la carte climate politics

Paris climate deal reflects the modern, less legalistic environment for international deal-making


The freedoms Schengen provides should not be a further casualty of the Paris attacks

Welcome to the ‘Jungle’

Divisions over Calais' irregular migrant camp, “the Jungle” reflect divisions in Europe more widely

German foreign policy after Paris

Following Paris attacks, Germany once again faces a question of identity over its foreign and security policy

Article 42.7: An explainer

What does France's invocation of Article 42.7 – the EU's mutual defence provision – mean for the EU and its member states

Real solidarity with France

France's call for European support in response to Paris attacks is an opportunity for the EU to renew cohesion over military cooperation

View from Berlin: Merkel under pressure

Angela Merkel finds herself under heavy pressure domestically for her stance on migration