Britain in Europe

Britain sets sail – into the dark

The odds that the UK and the EU will reach full, or even much, agreement within the breakneck timetable imposed by London do not look good

Brexit eve: The slow burn begins

Democratic backsliding and constitutional crises could await if the wheels come off Boris Johnson’s Brexit bandwagon.  

Europe and China after Brexit: The 5G question

A decision looms for Britain on 5G and Huawei. London’s choice will signal whether it wishes to stay close to Europe when dealing with Beijing – or to go its own way.

Brexit Weltschmerz: An era ends

Britain helped bring modern, unified, and peaceful Germany into being. Its Brexit convulsions have trashed this historic reputation – probably for good.  

A hard Brexit looms

Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems to have the momentum to get his Brexit deal over the line – and to follow up with a general election triumph while the electorate are still sighing with relief