One China against one dream
The events shaking the wider Tibetan area should lead both the Chinese government and its international partners to a deep reconsideration of past policies
The events shaking the wider Tibetan area should lead both the Chinese government and its international partners to a deep reconsideration of past policies
The EU needs to act to ensure that China does not use violence to put down protests in Tibet, but engages the Dalai Lama in real dialogue
A new propaganda offensive by China on its activities in Africa provides an opening for the West. We should use this to persuade China to take responsibility for its impact in Africa
European defence chiefs should help improve the EU’s lacklustre performance in Afghanistan
Spielberg was right to step down but governments should look at China’s policies within a historical context, and have a strategy for influencing Beijing beyond the summer of 2008
In the past few years, almost all of East Asia’s fully fledged democracies have changed leadership – but this has gone rather unnoticed by European observers who focus on China alone
China is emerging not just as an economic giant, but as a powerhouse of ideas about politics, economics and world order. Its own model of globalisation could re-shape much of the world
Gordon Brown, like many of his EU counterparts, focussed on national interests and commercial contracts in his China trip last week. But EU leaders need to work together not compete with each other to benefit from China’s rise
New ECFR report, to be published on Monday 21 January, criticises European efforts in Afghanistan and calls for a “grand bargain” between the United States and the EU to avert failure
After six-and-a-half years of war and the biggest NATO operation in history, Afghanistan remains in the throes of insurgency and President Hamid Karzai’s government is perilously weak. The EU needs to get a reality check, and fast